Minion masters best cards 2020
Minion masters best cards 2020

With a much smaller chance to show up, Rod of Roasting provides an unstoppable, explosive ending to the match. While not always possible to play around, you should try to play Yogg while both players have similar health or yours is higher. The sole exception is Rod of Roasting, which will typically result in a win for whoever had the highest health. The most ideal conditions to play Yogg-Saron are when you have an empty board and the opponent has three or more minions, ensuring maximum value from Mindflayer Goggles, summoning minimal minions for your opponent with Curse of Flesh, and avoiding destroying your own board with Devouring Hunger. Do keep in mind that Yogg's effect is conditional, making him more suited for decks that can play lots of spells. Make sure you have taken all the precautions from this card BEFORE you play him, as Rod of Roasting or Mysterybox can end the game outright. Most of Yogg's results from the wheel are usually helpful when you are behind, making this card good in Control decks stalling out for a win condition. Like the original Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate is an extremely random, high-risk high-reward card. However, the Battlecry only activates after ten spells you've played have resolved-meaning if you've played 10 or more spells, but some of them did not resolve, due to secrets like Counterspell or Oh My Yogg!-Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate's text would say it is ready, but the card would not have a glowing border, and not activate its Battlecry.

minion masters best cards 2020

The tracker in the card's text that shows how many spells are left before Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate's Battlecry would activate increments whenever you play a spell.

Minion masters best cards 2020